Criterion 1. Expected Learning Outcomes
Exh. 1.1-01
Decision No. 558/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-ĐT dated 28 April 2012
Exh. 1.1-02
Student handbook for school year 2008 - 2013
Exh. 1.1-03
Articles 2, 6, 39 and 41 of Education Law in 2012
Exh. 1.1-04
Surveys into Developing Learning Outcomes for Automotive Engineering Technology and Consolidated Results for the Years 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Exh. 1.1-05
Section and faculty meeting minutes discussing and analyzing survey results to develop sets of Year 2010 and 2012 learning outcomes
Exh. 1.2-01
Regulation on curriculum development
Exh. 1.2-02
Student intake announcement and lists of students of the assessed programme already and currently enrolling postgraduate courses from 2010 up to now
Exh. 1.2-03
Student intake announcement and lists of students of the assessed programme already and currently enrolling closely-relevant courses from 2010 up to now
Exh. 1.2-04
Pictures of student group discussions
Exh. 1.2-05
List of seminars
Exh. 1.2-06
Decision and list of interns
Exh. 1.2-07
Decision and list of students participating in Robocon, Eco-car, Fuel-saving car competitions
Exh. 1.2-08
Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculum
Exh. 1.2-09
Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculums applicable in the years of 2008, 2010, 2012
Exh. 1.4-01
Decision on the establishment of Faculty’s Scientific Board
Exh. 1.4-02
Students and faculty’s leaders meeting minutes
Exh. 1.4-03
Minutes on curriculum modification
Exh. 1.4-04
Sample survey on the level of HCMUTE students’ reponse to job requirements
Exh. 1.4-04
Questionnaire on curriculum development
Exh. 1.4-05
Minutes on curriculum modification
Exh. 1.4-06
Feedback form stakeholders
Exh. 1.4-07
Minutes of meetings between FVE and stakeholders before and after the statement of ELOs
Criterion 2. Programme Specification
Exh. 2.2-01
Decision No. 558/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-ĐT dated 28 April 2012 regarding the issuance of learning outcomes of training programmes at university and college level according to CDIO framework
Exh. 2.2-02
Programme learning outcomes
Exh. 2.2-03
Programme specification; curriculum; ELOs
Exh. 2.2-04
Teaching stategy
Exh. 2.3-01
Academic Affairs Office website (
Exh. 2.3-02
Faculty website (
Exh. 2.3-03
Student handbook
Exh. 2.3-04
Academic Affairs Office website (
Exh. 2.3-05
Faculty website (
Criterion 3. Programme Content and Structure
Exh. 3.1-01
150-credit Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculum at university level
Exh. 3.1-02
Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculum at university level
Exh. 3.1-03
Academic programmes of some domestic and foreign institutions
Exh. 3.1-04
Academic programmes over the year
Exh. 3.1-04
Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculum at university level
Exh. 3.2-01
HCMUTE’s vision and mission
Exh. 3.2-02
Faculty’s vision and mission
Exh. 3.3-01
Surveys into Employment after Graduation
Exh. 3.3-02
Exh. 3.3-03
Student handbook 2012
Exh. 3.4-01
150-credit Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculum
Exh. 3.4-02
Exh. 3.4-03
150-credit Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculum
Exh. 3.5-01
150-credit Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculum
Exh. 3.5-02
Mapping of core courses
Exh. 3.6-01
150-credit Automotive Engineering Technology Curriculum at university level with allocation of knowledge amount and areas
Exh. 3.6-02
Students and faculty’s leaders meeting minutes
Exh. 3.6-03
List of research topics of students in the years of 2013, 2014
Exh. 3.7-01
Minutes on curriculum modification in the years of 2010, 2012
Exh. 3.7-02
CDIO-based learning outcomes
Exh. 3.7-03
MOET’s Programme Framework
Exh. 3.7-04
Syllabus modification
Criterion 4. Teaching and Learning Strategy
Exh. 4.1-01
Regulation No. 117 concerning learning and teaching methodology renewal of Ho Chi Minh University of Technology and Education
Exh. 4.1-02
Introduction to Automotive Engineering Technology syllabus
Exh. 4.1-03
Graduation products and projects by students
Exh. 4.3-01
Lecture portfolions of some courses applying simulation tools
Exh. 4.3-02
Some online lecture videos
Exh. 4.3-03
Photos of the laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment, AVL
Exh. 4.3-04
Prizes at Robocon competitions
Exh. 4.3-05
Photos of seminars and workshops with enterprises and organizations
Exh. 4.3-06
Photos and prizes of some teams at Eco-car competitions
Exh. 4.3-07
Student products from lab work
Exh. 4.3-08
Student scientific research prizes
Exh. 4.4-01
Teacher observation minutes
Exh. 4.4-02
Statistics of course evaluation by students from 2010-2015
Criterion 5. Student Assessment
Exh. 5.1-01
Student intake regulation
Exh. 5.1-02
2015 university and college student intake proposal
Exh. 5.1-03
Decision No. 210/ĐHSPKT-TS2012 regarding standard intake scores of university entrance exam dated 8 August 2012 applied for first choice candidates of Groups A, A1, B, D1, V
Exh. 5.1-04
Decision No. 601/ĐHSPKT-TS2013 regarding standard intake scores of university entrance exam dated 8 August 2013 applied for first choice candidates of Groups A, A1, B, D1, V
Exh. 5.1-05
Decision No. 665/ĐHSPKT-TS2014 regarding standard intake scores of university entrance exam dated 9 August 2014 applied for first choice candidates of Groups A, A1, B, D1, V
Exh. 5.1-06
Decision No. 4/QĐ-TT/ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV on receiving freshman students for school year 2014-2015
Exh. 5.1-07
Announcement No. 50/TB-ĐHSPKT-TS2014 dated 14 April 2014 on direct admission and priorities for direct admission to mainstream colleges and universities y policy
Exh. 5.1-08
Announcement No. 500 regarding the plan to classify 2014 freshman students’ English level proficiency
Exh. 5.1-09
Announcment No. 507 regarding the plan to hold English proficiency exam of 2014 freshman students
Exh. 5.1-10
Syllabi of some courses in Automotive Engineering Teachnology programme
Exh. 5.1-11
Products of some capstone projects by students
Exh. 5.1-12
Regulation No. 43 regarding the completion of an academic programme
Exh. 5.1-13
Regulation on doing capstone projects for students
Exh. 5.1-14
Decision on establishing a defense board of captone projects
Exh. 5.1-15
List of topics and board members of graduation thesis defense
Exh. 5.1-16
Evaluation rubrics for graduation theses
Exh. 5.2-01
Syllabi of some courses in Automotive Engineering Technology programme
Exh. 5.2-02
Regulation No. 43 regarding grading scores for student assessment by Office of Academic Affairs
Exh. 5.2-03
Grading scores for projects and presentations
Exh. 5.3-01
Statistics of different assessment methods and corresponding weights (Syllabi of some courses in Automotive Engineering Teachnology programme)
Exh. 5.3-02
List of topics, defense board members of projects and captone projects
Exh. 5.3-03
Decision No. 354 on scoring student community services
Exh. 5.3-04
Guideline No. 356 on adjusting encouragement scholarships for students
Exh. 5.4-01
Porfolios of lectures on some Automotive Engineering Technology courses
Exh. 5.4-02
Laboratory and workshop regulation
Exh. 5.4-03
Guideline to mark presentations and reports (soft skills) in details
Exh. 5.5-01
CDIO framework programme for Automotive Engineering Technology
Exh. 5.5-02
Syllabi of some courses in Automotive Engineering Teachnology programme
Exh. 5.5-03
Guideline to mark presentations and reports in details
Exh. 5.6-01
Mapping teaching contents with learning outcomes (lecture porfolios)
Exh. 5.6-02
Mapping tests and assessment with learning outcomes (lecture porfolios)
Exh. 5.6-03
Procedure of test paper preparation
Exh. 5.7-01
Faculty regulation on test papers and answer keys
Exh. 5.7-02
Procedure of marking test papers and re-marking
Exh. 5.7-03
Student handbooks for academic years 2013, 2014, 2015 regulating graduation reviews (
Exh. 5.7-04
Regulation on classification of graduates by Office of Academic Affairs
Criterion 6. Academic Staff Quality
Exh. 6.1-01
Appendix: Profiles of all lecturers of the faculty teaching this curriculum, including CV, diplomas, list of scientific research topics and list of publication
Exh. 6.1-02
Regulation and conditions of employment
Exh. 6.1-03
Employment process
Exh. 6.1-04
The university’s employment process and criteria
Exh. 6.1-05
List of training courses for teaching staff during the period 2010-2015 inside and outside the university with the presence of the faculty’s lecturers, including full names and certificates
Exh. 6.1-06
Registration for education enhancement of the faculty
Exh. 6.1-07
Report on education enhancement results
Exh. 6.2-01
Teaching staff recruitment proposal of the faculty
Exh. 6.2-02
List of successful candidates for period from 2001-2014: file excel 03 attached
Exh. 6.2-03
HR development plans and strategies for 2005-2010; 2010-2015; 2015-2020
Exh. 6.3-01
Decision No. 358/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 17 March 2014 on appointing staff to mentor apprentice teachers
Exh. 6.3-02
Section’s remarks of activities done by apprentice teachers
Exh. 6.3-03
- Remarks by appentice teacher’s mentor
- Regulation No. 318/QĐ – ĐHSPKT – TCCB dated 17 November 2010 on duties and conditions to terminate probation period
Exh. 6.3-04
Decision No. 08/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB regarding the appointment of teaching staff into lecturer position; attached list of lecturers
Exh. 6.3-05
Section’ s and Faculty’s annual minutes (on annual emulator appointment)
Exh. 6.3-06
Decision on emulation and rewards of the year 2013—2014
Exh 6.3-07
Decision on raising salary level and seniority remuneration of cardes and staff in 2013
Exh. 6.3-08
Decision on payrise prior to schedule
Exh. 6.3-09
Exh. 6.4-01
Exh. 6.4-02
The faculty’s organizational chart
Exh. 6.4-03
The faculty’s organizational chart
Exh. 6.4-04
Description of rights and duties of each member in the faculty, section and teaching staff
Exh. 6.4-05
Decision No. 358/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 17 March 2014 on appointing staff to mentor apprentice teachers
Exh. 6.5-01
Exh. 6.5-02
Allocation of teaching load every semester
Exh. 6.5-03
Decision No. 612/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 30 June 2014 regarding the issuance of Guidelines on emulation and rewards
Exh. 6.5-04
Regulation No. 279/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-ĐT on teaching assistants
(TA regulation)
Exh. 6.6-01
Statistics of teaching staff’s workload (teaching, research and service)
Exh. 6.6-02
Report of personal achievements
Exh. 6.6-03
Faculty’s evaluation on teaching staff
Exh. 6.6-04
Student evaluation on teaching staff by courses
Exh. 6.6-05
KPIs applied at HCMUTE (issued together with Regulation No. 279/ ĐHSPKT-QTCL)
Exh. 6.6-06
Forms of KPIs
- FORM No. 05/KH. MTCL (Section)
- FORM No. 06/ĐGCN (individual evaluation)
Exh. 6.7-01
Higher Education Law No. 08/2012/QH13 dated 18 June 2012
Exh. 6.7-02
Regulations on the functions and duties of lecturers
Description of functions and duties of lecturers
Exh. 6.7-03
KPIs applied at HCMUTE (issued together with Regulation No. 279/ ĐHSPKT-QTCL)
Exh. 6.7-04
Consolidated report on teaching and examination regulation violations – AY: 2013-2014 (TTGD- 23/6/2014)
KPIs forms
Exh. 6.7-05
Announcement No. 47/TB-TCCB dated 16 September 2014 on IELTS test results on 06 and 09 September 2014;
IELTS test result in September 2014; consolidated test result attached
Exh. 6.7-06
Report of individual performance
Exh. 6.7-07
Decision on payrise prior to schedule of the faculty’s lecturers
Exh. 6.7-08
Regulation No. 23/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-ĐT on preparing and perfoming the teaching of courses within 150-credit curriculum according to CDIO framework
Exh. 6.7-09
Lecture portfolios of some courses
Exh. 6.7-10
Term-end 150-credit course teaching performance report to the faculty
Exh. 6.7-11
Some correlation matrix between ELOs and assessment methods
Exh. 6.7-12
Announcement No. 25/TB-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 11 April 2013 on fostering lecturers practising active teaching and assessment methods
Exh. 6.7-13
Structure teaching software, automobile system simulation software
Exh. 6.7-14
Teacher observation minutes
Exh. 6.7-15
Schedule of section’s observations
Exh. 6.7-16
Teacher observation procedures
Exh. 6.7-17
Statistics of course evaluation by student for 2010-2015 period
Exh. 6.8-01
Schemes No. 05/KH-ĐUK and No. 227/KH-ĐU dated 20 August 2013 on planning leaders for Communist Party local level and planning the university’s managers up to 2020 and onwards
Exh. 6.8-02
The faculty’s strategic development plan
Exh. 6.9-01
Circular No. 47/2014/TT-BGDĐT regulating working regimes of lecturers
Exh. 6.9-02
Decree No. 46/2010/NĐ-CP of the Government regulating labor contract termination and retirement of governmental officers
Exh. 6.9-03
Decree No. 141/2013/NĐ-CP regulating in details and giving guidelines on the implementation of some articles of Higher Education Law
Exh. 6.9-04
The university’s regulation on regimes towards retirees
Exh. 6.9-05
Decisions on retirement of some lecturers of the faculty
Exh. 6.9-06
Decision No. 475/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated regarding the issuance of regulations on appointing, re-appointing, resigning, dismissing managers and leaders at the offices and faculties of HCMUTE
Exh. 6.10-01
Guideline on the implementation of KPIs and E-Office systems
Exh. 6.10-02
Announcement regarding the preparation of KPIs plans
KPIs forms:
- FORM no. 05/KH. MTCL ( Section)
- FORM no. 06/ĐGCN ( individual assessment)
- FORM no. 04/KHHK( Faculty)
- FORM no. 06/KHHK ( personal plan)
Guideline on emulation and rewards
Exh. 6.10-03
Faculty’s annual rewarding proposal
Prior schedule payrise proposal
Exh. 6.10-04
- Decision No. 612/ QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB regarding the issuance of emulation and rewards
- Decision on raising salary levels and seniority remuneration towards cadres and staff in 2014
- Decision on emulation title recognition
Criterion 7. Support Staff Quality
Exh. 7.0-01
Decision on forming the team of advisors
Exh. 7.0-02
The new recruitment and staff development
Exh. 7.1-01
List of library staff
Exh. 7.1-02
Organizational chart, functions and duties of library
Exh. 7.1-03
2013 – 2018 staff development scheme
Exh. 7.1-04
2014 – 2015 quality objectives, 2014 – 2015 registration for education enhancement
Exh. 7.1-05
List of training seminars and professional workshops
Exh. 7.1-06
Results of periodical surveys into book types and methods for service quality improvement
Exh. 7.1-07
Exh 7.1-08
Exh. 7.2-01
Statistics and description of laboratories, workshops serving the academic programme
Exh. 7.3-01
Regulation on the functions and duties of Computer and Network Center
Exh. 7.3-02
Report on satisfaction level of clients towards service quality of Computer and Network Center
Exh. 7.4-01
Report on satisfaction level of clients towards service quality of functional offices
Criterion 8. Student Quality
Exh. 8.1-01
Student admission regulation of MOET applicable to universities and colleges
Exh. 8.1-02
Annoucement No. 33/TB-ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV on the admission of university, college, vocational mainstream students in 2014
Exh. 8.1-03
Decision No. 210/ĐHSPKT-TS2012 regarding standard intake scores of university entrance exam dated 8 August 2012 applied for first choice candidates of Groups A, A1, B, D1, V
Exh. 8.1-04
Decision No. 601/ĐHSPKT-TS2013 regarding standard intake scores of university entrance exam dated 8 August 2013 applied for first choice candidates of Groups A, A1, B, D1, V
Exh. 8.1-05
Decision No. 665/ĐHSPKT-TS2014 regarding standard intake scores of university entrance exam dated 9 August 2014 applied for first choice candidates of Groups A, A1, B, D1, V
Exh. 8.1-06
Organizing the university campus tours and job orientation in 2014
Exh. 8.1-07
Leaflets and posters ofn Automotive Engineering Technology admission programme
Exh. 8.1-08
Open day programme of the Faculty
Exh. 8.1-09
Job fairs and Employment Exchange
Exh. 8.1-10
List of successful candiates of the 2010-2011 university/college entrance exams
Exh. 8.1-11
List of successful candiates of the 2011-2012 university/college entrance exams
Exh. 8.1-12
List of successful candiates of the 2012-2013 university/college entrance exams
Exh. 8.1-13
List of successful candiates of the 2013-2014 university/college entrance exams
Exh. 8.1-14
List of successful candiates of the 2014-2015 university/college entrance exams
Exh. 8.2-01
Decision No. 357/QĐ-TT/ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV on receiving freshman students for school year 2014-2015 on 9 August 2014
Exh. 8.2-02
Guidance on admission procedures to students of academic year 2014
Exh. 8.2-03
Plan No. 116/KH-ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV on organizing introductory week for academic year 2013-2014
Exh. 8.2-04
Schedule of term beginning activities and health check-up for students of academic year 2013
Exh. 8.2-05
Plan No. 357/KH-ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV on receiving freshmen of academic year 2014 on 9 August 2014
Exh. 8.2-06
Plan No. 358/KH-ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV organizing introductory week for academic year 2014-2015
Exh. 8.2-07
Schedule of term beginning activities for academic year 2014-2015
Exh. 8.3-01
Decision No. 43/2007/QĐ-BGDĐT dated 15 August 2007 regarding the issuance of credit-based training regulations at mainstream college and university level
Exh. 8.3-02
Guiding document on the implementation of the credit-based training regulations at mainstream college and university level in December 2008
Exh. 8.3-03
Student handbook of 2008
Exh. 8.3-04
Student handbook of 2008
Exh. 8.3-05
Exh. 8.3-06
Student handbook of 2012
Exh. 8.3-07
Student handbook of 2012
Exh. 8.3-08
Decision on the establishment of FVE advisory team
Exh. 8.3-09
Scheme No. 192/KH-ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV on organizing the meeting between faculty and university leaders and students on 14 November 2013 – Term I – Academic year: 2013- 2014
Exh. 8.3-10
Annoucement No. 232/TB/ĐHSPKT/CTHSSV regarding the consolidation of student feedback (Term I/ 2013- 2014) on 10 December 2013
Exh. 8.3-11
Annoucement No. 260/TB-ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV regarding the conclusions and directives of the University President on solutions to problems raised by students at university leader-student meeting on 10 December 2013 – Term I/Academic year: 2013-2014
Exh. 8.3-12
Student handbook 2012, Regulation on course registration
Exh. 8.3-13
Student handbook 2012, Study planner of Automotive Engineering Technology students
Criterion 9. Student Advice and Support
Exh. 9.1-01
Duties of Office of Academic Affairs
Exh. 9.1-02
Satistics of learning outcomes and student classifications
Exh. 9.1-03
Student database system
Exh. 9.1-04
Duties of Admissions and Student Affairs Office
Exh. 9.1-05
Announcement No. 279 regarding the implementation of evaluating community services by students
Exh. 9.1-06
Decision No. 321 regarding the acceptance of the scores on community services by mainstream students at HCMUTE
Exh. 9.1-07
Announcement No. 374 on evaluating community services by students – Term II/ AY 2013-2014
Exh. 9.1-08
Duties of faculty secretary
Exh. 9.2-01
Decision No. 44 on study encouragement scholarships towards students at specialized and gifted high schools, higher education institutions and vocational schools directly belonging to the national education system
Exh. 9.2-02
Guideline No. 348 regarding the issuance of study encouragement scholarships for students
Exh. 9.2-03
Decision No. 389 regarding the issuance of advisory work regulation
Exh. 9.2-04
Annoucement No. 390 on advisory teams
Exh. 9.2-05
Duty allocation to advisors of Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering
Exh. 9.2-06
Faculty’s management board and student meeting
Exh. 9.3-01
Announcement on conducting captone projects
Exh. 9.3-02
Duty allocation to advisors of Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering
Exh. 9.3-03
Decision No. 389 regarding the issuance of advisory work regulation
Exh. 9.3-04
Annoucement No. 390 on advisory teams
Exh. 9.3-05
Duty allocation to advisors of Faculty of Vehicle and Energy Engineering
Exh. 9.4-01
Decision No. 389 regarding the issuance of advisory work regulation
Exh. 9.4-02
Announcement No. 390 on advisory teams
Exh. 9.4-03
Announcement No. 36 regarding the duty allocation for the implementation of Student Union programmes- Academic year: 2014-2015
Exh. 9.4-04
Consolidated report on HCMC Communist Youth and Student Unions- Academic year: 2012-2013
Exh. 9.4-05
Plan on introductory week for academic years: 2011-2012, 2012-2013,2013-2014,2014-2015, 2015-2016
List of major transfer for health matter
Exh. 9.4-07
Physical education exemption
Exh. 9.4-08
Channels of student feedback receipts and reponses
Criterion 10. Facilities and Infrastructure
Exh. 10.1-01
Report on facility and infrastructure of the university to MOET- Academic years: 2009-2010; 2010-2011; 2011-2012; 2013-2014
Exh. 10.1-02
Consolidation of classrooms year ended 2015 – Blocks: A,B, C,D,E, E1
List of lecture halls and classrooms (including information on microphone, conditioning or free of classifications by size, etc.)
Exh. 10.1-03
Projected expenses on renovation, repairs and acquisition for the year 2014
Exh. 10.1-04
Annual acquisition plan of FVE
Exh. 10.1-05
Exh. 10.1-06
All-campus Wifi map
Exh. 10.2-01
List of student-accessible online resources
Exh. 10.2-02
Library website:
Exh. 10.2-03
E-mails from librabry to individuals (ref. A book a day)
Collection of 123 electronic coursebooks of HCMUTE
Exh. 10.2-04
Number of book entries of FVE, specialized books, coursebooks, lectures being supplemented every year
List of Automotive Engineering Technology materials and document
Exh. 10.2-05
List of Vehicle and Energy Engineering books in foreign languages
Exh. 10.2-06
Regulation on the librabry’s opening time, regulation on the uses of library services
Announcement on guiding students to choose coursebooks and learning materials- Term II/Academic year: 2013-2014 and Term I/ Academic year: 2014-2015
Exh. 10.2-07
Plan on library resource development and update
Exh. 10.2-08
Regulation on coursebook compilation and publication
Regulation on referential material supplementation
Exh. 10.3-01
List of workshops and laboratories of FVE
Exh. 10.3-02
Annual equipment repair and acquisition plan of FVE
Exh. 10.3-03
Annual equipment and tool sponsorship by TOYOTA and other enterprises
Exh. 10.3-04
Procedure on equipment maintenance and repairs
Exh. 10.3-05
Procedure on calibration
Exh. 10.3-06
Annual equipment acquisition and repair plan of FVE
Exh. 10.3-07
Procedure on tool and supply acquisition; Procedure on investment project preparation
Exh. 10.3-08
Report on efficiency of equipment use
Exh. 10.4-01
Decision on approval of investment project and estimates of “ Developing networks, servers, filing and data privacy systems”
Exh. 10.4-02
E-mails of individuals and entities of HCMUTE- mail
Exh. 10.4-03
Course registration website (
Exh. 10.4-04
Evidence on Pearson’s sponsorship to Digital learning center; Academic year: 2013-2014
Exh. 10.4-05
Exh. 10.4-06
Edusoft ( for AAO’s use)
Exh. 10.4-07
All-campus Wifi map
Exh. 10.4-08
Software : AVL Booster,
Matlab ( for FVE’s current use)
Exh. 10.4-09
Software: Atech 3610, Atech 3631,TOYOTA Electric, TOYOTA L652, (for FVE’s current use)
Exh. 10.5-01
Regulation of FVE’s laboratories
Exh. 10.5-02
Equipment maintenance schedule
Announcement No. 131/TB-ĐHSPKT dated 25 August 2014 regarding the faculties and offices’ preparation of filing documents and examination of fire prevention and extinguishing, equipment maintenance
Exh. 10.5-03
Laboratory regulations; Workshop regulations of FVE
Exh. 10.5-04
Fire prevention and extinguishing layout at workshops
List of fire extinguishers to be recharged and fire extinguisher replacement supplies (issued together with Decision No.
727/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-HCTH dated 25 July 2014)
Exh. 10.5-05
Decision No. 438/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated
16 April 2014 on strengthening fire prevention and protection platoon of HCMUTE
Exh. 10.5-06
Laboratory regulations; Workshop regulations of FVE
Exh. 10.5-07
Plan No. 106/KH-UBND dated 18 December 2012 on rat eradication of Linh Chieu Ward; Plan dated 20 December 2012 of Heathcare Center regarding the co-ordination in mouse eridication and epidemics prevention;
Announcement dated 21 December 2012 on Rat killer use for epidemics prevention; 1st announcement dated 22 December 2012 on Rat body collection and treatment for epidemics prevention
2013 Epidemics Prevention Plan dated 03 April 2013
Exh. 10.5-08
Minutes on 3rd examination of food hygiene and safety in 2011 by Inspection Board of HCMC Health Service: Campus canteen (No. 331/BB-TTra), Caféteria (No. 280/BB-TTra) and Block D dormitory canteen (No. 312/BB-TTra), 2nd floor supermarket (No. 250/BB-TTra).
Minutes No. 38/Đ1/2014dated 26 May 2014 of Food Hygiene and Safety Department on the examination of food safety conditions applied for canteens providing catering services; collective kitchens; kitchens of restaurants in hotels, resorts and seperate restaurants – Cafeteria ; Canteen Block A and Block D canteens of HCMUTE
Exh. 10.5-09
Contract No. 72/HĐ-YTDP dated 15 May 2014 on spraying pesticides; 1st Acceptance minutes dated 9 June 2014. Standing order dated 11 June 2014.
Criterion 11. Quality Assurance of Teaching and Learning Process
Exh. 11.1-01
Workshop on the curriculum
Exh. 11.1-02
Procedure on the curriculum development and modification – 2005
Exh. 11.1-03
Workshop on the curriculum
Exh. 11.1-04
Minutes on the curriculum of FVE’s Scientific Board and curriculum development of FVE’s sections
Exh. 11.1-05
Minutes on prelimenary term-end and year-end review meetings
Exh. 11.2-01
Survey into course evaluation by students
Exh. 11.2-02
Leader-student meeting minutes
Exh. 11.2-03
Survey into curriculum evaluation by graduates
Exh. 11.3-01
Minutes on curriculum design workshop
Exh. 11.3-02
List of FVE’s Scientific Board members
Exh. 11.3-03
FVE’s traditional reunion
Exh. 11.3-04
Evidence on the engagement of labor market into academic programme design (surveys, workshops, alumni’s meetings, etc.); instruments and procedures;
Exh. 11.4-01
Survey into teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students (both theoretical and practical courses)
Exh. 11.4-02
Course-by-course evaluation of lecturers in charge
Exh. 11.5-01
Plan on leader-student meetings at faculty level and university level
Exh 11.5-02
Decision No. 38/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-ĐT dated 14 April 2008 regarding the regulations on conducting surveys into teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students
Exh. 11.5-03
Announcement No. 54/TB-ĐHSPKT-ĐBCL dated 08 May 2014 on conducting surveys into teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students – Term: 2013-2014; Guideline on conducting surveys into teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students
Exh. 11.5-04
Survey into teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students (both theoretical and practical courses)
Exh. 11.5-05
Report No. 08/BC-ĐBCL dated 15 July 2014 regarding survey results of teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students
Exh. 11.5-06
Plan No. 130/KH/ĐHSPKT dated 15 November 2012 regarding comprehensive quality assurance during the implementation of 150-credit curriculum, accompanied by report No. 76/BC-QLCL dated 4 May 2013 concerning the realization of Plan No.130
Exh. 11.6-01
Report on teaching quality based on surveys
Exh. 11.6-02
Comparison of teaching quality results through 9 different surveys
Exh. 11.6-03
Plan for improvements of FVE after survey statistic treatment and analysis
Exh. 11.6-04
Result of FVE alumni’s feedback
Exh. 11.6-06
Regulations on functions and duties of Public Relations Office
Exh. 11.7-01
Decision No. 674/QĐ- ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 26 August 2008 on the establishment of Quality Management Office and decision on renaming QMO into Quality Assurance Office
Exh. 11.7-02
Quality Assurance Office website
Exh. 11.7-03
Decision No. 1245/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 10 Decision 2013 regarding the establishment of Programme Self-Assessment Board according to AUN standards
Exh. 11.7-04
Decision No. 730/QĐ/ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 26 August 2014 regarding the establishment of support teams for programme assessment according to AUN standards
Exh. 11.7-05
Minutes of Programme Periodical Assessment Meeting
Exh. 11.7-06
Term-end examination regulation
Exh. 11.7-07
Procedure on test paper preparation and approval, Exh 11.7-08, Sample of test papers
Exh. 11.7-08
Inspection of teaching regulation compliance – 2010
Exh. 11.7-09
Teacher observation regulation – 2007
Exh. 11.7-10
Report on the inspection of teaching regulation compliance – Term HKI- Academic year: 2012-2013, Weeks 12, 13, 14, 15
Exh. 11.7-11
Comparison of teaching quality reports by semester and by academic year ((as evidence for the use of survey results for improvement))
Criterion 12. Staff Development Activites
Exh. 12.1-01
Decision on English learning in the Philippines
Exh. 12.1-02
Announcement on English proficiency test
Exh. 12.1-03
List of HEEAP participants
Exh. 12.1-04
Academic programme updates:
Exh. 12.2-05
- Announcement No. 129/TB-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 02 December 2011 regarding the approval of 5- year staff development plan of HCMUTE for 2011-2015 phase; accompanied by Consolidation of staff development plans for 2011-2015 phase (Table 1); Consolidation of staff development plans by faculties, centers and technical and vocational high school ( Table 2); Consolidation of staff development plans by functional offices (Table 3) (original copies filed at ADAO).
b. Announcement No. 73TB-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 28 July 2009 regarding the approval of PhD training plan for 2009 – 2013 phase; accompanied by the list of registrants for PhD studies for 2009-2013 phase.
- Announcement No. 131/TB-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 02 December 2011 regarding the approval of PhD training plan for 2011 – 2015 phase; accompanied by the list of registrants for PhD studies for 2011-2015 phase.
d. Announcement No. 132/TB-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 02 December 2011 regarding the expertise and professional training and fostering plan for academic year 2011 – 2012; accompanied by the approval of MA and PhD training plan and fostering plan for academic year 2011-2012; Consolidation of training plans for academic year 2011-2012; Consolidation of expertise and professional training and fostering plans for academic year 2011-2012; (Original copies filed in ADAO)
- Announcement No. 124/TB-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 01 November 2012 regarding the expertise and professional training and fostering plan for academic year 2012 – 2013; List of registrants for MA and PhD studies for academic year 2012-2013; Consolidation of MA and PhD training plan and fostering plan for academic year 2012-2013.
- Announcement No. 117/TB-ĐHS PKT-TCCB dated 29 August 2013 regarding the approval of expertise and professional training and fostering plan for academic year 2013 – 2014; Consolidated list of fostering course participants for academic year 2013-2014; Consolidated lists of trainees for academic years 2013-2014 and 2013-2014.
Exh. 12.1-06
Incentive policy for lecturers with local and international publication
Exh. 12.1-07
Decisions on assigning staff to short courses (TOYOTA…)
Exh. 12.1-08
Plan on academic presentations
Exh. 12.1-09
Courses of Higher Education Teaching Theory, Higher Education Pedagogical Practices
Exh. 12.2-01
Short-term training courses in India (ITEC programme)
Exh. 12.2-02
Courses of VEF (Announcements from QLKH - QHQT)
Exh. 12.2-03
International scholarships
Exh. 12.2-04
List of E/M Learning trainees
Exh. 12.2-05
Announcement on Effective Management course for managers and list of participants
Criterion 13. Stakeholders Feedback
Exh. 13.1-01
Questionnaire into students’ responding to job requirements
Exh. 13.1-02
Enterprise survey results on HCMUTE students’ responding to job requirements – Term 2 – Academic year 2013-2014
Exh. 13.1-03
Announcement on reviewing list of equivalent courses
Exh. 13.1-04
“Evaluation on student satisfaction during the course” process
Exh. 13.2-01
Decision No. 879/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-TCCB dated 10 October 2013 regarding the finalization of organizational structure of Alumnus Liasion Board
Exh. 13.2-02
List of FVE alumni
Exh. 13.2-03
Photos of FVE alumnus reunion
Exh. 13.2-04
Questionnaire to FVE alumni
Exh. 13.2-05
Report of FVE Alumnus Association
Exh. 13.2-06
Exh. 13.2-07
Questionnaire to graduates
Exh. 13.2-08
Plan on the organization of graduation ceremony in March 2015
Exh. 13.2-09
Graduate survey results in March 2014
Exh. 13.2-10
Consolidation of survey results from Automotive Engineering Technology graduates in June 2014
Exh. 13.2-11
FVE term-end review meeting minutes
Exh. 13.2-12
Circular No. 1276/BGDĐT on conducting surveys into teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students
Exh. 13.2-13
Decision No. 38/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-ĐT dated 14 April 2008 on gathering student feedback on teaching staff’s performance
Exh. 13.2-14
Announcement No. 54/TB-ĐHSPKT-ĐBCL on gathering student feedback on teaching staff’s performance – Term 2, AY 2013-2014]
Exh. 13.2-15
Guideline on conducting surveys into teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students
Exh. 13.2-16
Questionnaire teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students (theoretical courses)
Exh. 13.2-17
Questionnaire teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students (practical courses)
Exh. 13.2-18
Survey results of teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students – Term II/ AY 2014-2015
Exh. 13.2-19
Individual performance report – Term 2 /AY 2013 -2014
Exh. 13.2-20
FEV leader-student meeting minutes – Term 2/ AY 2013 -2014
Exh. 13.2-21
President’s directives on reponding to questions raised by students at leader-student meeting- Term I/AY 2014-2015
Exh. 13.2-22
Report of survey results on teaching staff’s performance evaluation by students – Term II/ AY 2014-2015
Exh. 13.3-01
Plan No. 74/TB-ĐHSPKT-TCCB on the organization annual management conference – Summer 2014
Exh. 13.3-02
Young staff conference plan – AY 2014-2015
Exh. 13.3-03
Staff survey results conducted by ADAO – Term II/AY 2013-2014
Criterion 14. Output
Exh. 14.1-01
Decision No. 43/2007/QĐ-BGDĐT dated 15 August 2007 regarding the issuance of credit system-based training regulations at mainstream college and university level
Exh. 14.1-02
Regulation on academic affairs, score management software
Exh. 14.1-03
Graduation rate
Exh. 14.1-04
Drop-out rate
Exh. 14.1-05
Student dismissal process
Exh 14.1-06
Decisions on establishing advisory teams _ Decision No. 389/QĐ-ĐHSPKT-CTHSSV dated 19 September 2014 regarding the issuance of student advisory regulation;
Exh. 14.2-01
Decision No. 43/2007/QĐ-BGDĐT dated 15 August 2007 regarding the issuance of credit system-based training regulations
Exh. 14.2-02
Consolidated list of ahead-of-schedule graduates, rewards to ahead-of-schedule graduates of FVE (in the last 5 years)
Exh. 14.2-03
Regulation on awarding ahead-of-schedule graduates
Exh. 14.2-04
Graduation/drop-out rates
Exh. 14.2-05
Academic year study plan
Exh. 14.2-06
List of workshops
Exh. 14.2-07
List of equivalent courses
Exh. 14.2-08
Announcement by AAO on course registration and changes in course registration
Exh. 14.2-09
Announcement No. 06/ĐKMH-ĐT 2014 dated 6 January 2014 regarding the schedule of course registration and course adjustment online – Term 2/ AY 2013-2014
Exh. 14.3-01
Consolidated graduate survey result
Exh. 14.3-02
Consolidated graduate survey result
Exh. 14.3-03
FVE Alumni’s traditional reunion
Exh. 14.3-04
Survey result from graduates in pursuit of MA and PhD courses held by FVE
Exh. 14.4-01
List of local and international publication by FVE staff (for 5 years)
Exh. 14.4-02
List of research topics by FVE staff at MOET level (for 5 years)
Exh. 14.4-03
List of research topics by FVE staff at university level (for 5 years)
Exh. 14.4-04
List of research topics by FVE students (for 5 years)
Exh. 14.4-05
List of supervisors of student researchers over the years
Exh. 14.4-06
FVE research prizes (for 5 years)
Criterion 15. Stakeholders Satisfaction
Exh. 15.1-01
Exh. 15.1-02
Guideline on conducting surveys into teaching staff’s performance evaluated by students
Exh. 15.1-03
Questionnaire into teaching staff’s performance evaluated by students (theoretical courses)
Exh. 15.1-04
Questionnaire into teaching staff’s performance evaluated by students (practical courses)
Exh. 15.1-05
Report on survey results of teaching staff’s performance evaluated by students – Term II/AY 2013-2014
Exh. 15.1-06
Report on survey results of fve teaching staff’s performance evaluated by students – Term II/AY 2011-2012
Exh. 15.1-07
Survey result of teaching staff’s performance evaluated by students – individual
Exh. 15.1-08
Report on survey results of teaching staff’s performance evaluated by students – Term II/AY 2013-2014
Exh. 15.1-09
Expertise and professional training plan/ AY 2014-2015
Exh. 15.2-01
Survey result of graduates in March 2014
Exh. 15.2.02
Consolidated feedback from graduates in March 2014
Exh. 15.2-03
Announcement on employment opportunities at 2014 job fair
Exh. 15.2-04
Decision on the establishment of PR Office
Exh. 15.2-05
Plan Implementation Report – Term I/ AY 2014 -2015
Exh. 15.3.01
Result of investigation into corporate evaluation on HCMUTE students’ responding to job requirements